This is a game submission for Pirate Software's Game Jam.

GDD file:

------------------------- Use full screen mode for game. --------------------------------------

Else you won't be able to read the text dialogue for the game and you will have a small fish tank.

Interacting with the tank.

Right Click
Creates food for fish to eat when hungry.
Left Click
Click on enemies to attack them.
Left Click
Click and hold fish to move them around.
Left Click
Buy Items from shop

Item shop

Spawn Fish
Upgrade Wand
Buy egg part
400 -> 1600 -> 2400

When Grabbing fish, you can either combine them or sacrifice them.

Sacrificing fish for gems. Place fish at the top of the fish tank, where the gems are located. Fish need to be adults to be sacrificed. Adult fish drop gold colored coins.


To combine fish, place two fish of the same age together to create one fish of the next age.


Project_ Fish Shop - Game Design Document.docx 94 MB

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